In this video I share the 5 major insights that I had over the past year since starting our "Legalize On Farm Harvest Campaign".
The Plan1. Educate consumers about the many food sovereignty issues. 2. Build community large enough to attract the attention of policy makers. What you can do1.Educate yourself and share the message through your networks about how our sovereignty and basic human rights are being stolen from us by our own governments on behalf of the industrial agricultural food system. Only when enough people are outraged by the insanity of these draconian laws will we stand a chance to change regulations
2. Join and support existing communities working to address problems of food sovereignty
3. Eat the change you want to see in the world. The current system is not perfect but there are many producers who are doing the best they can without going to jail. Find them, talk with them see how you can support them. Better yet, become a producer yourself and lessen your dependency upon the industrial food system we are trying to change. 4. If you are an Alberta consider submitting a "Cut Red Tape" application on the Alberta Government Website ( here are some sample answers to the application questions: Tell us the problem and how it affects you. It is currently illegal to purchase raw milk and meat that we humanely harvested on farm. This is a violation of my basic human rights and is negatively affecting the nutrient-density of my food and the health of my family. How can we fix it? How might this save time, create jobs, or reduce costs? Legalize the sale of raw milk, raw cheese and uninspected meat for farm gate sales. This will reduce regulatory costs, reduce health care costs, increase viability of existing small family farms and encourage new regenerative farming operations 5. Please Like and Share this blog and video! 6. If you have any comments or suggestions please leave them below. 7/5/2019 09:46:13 am
Thanks for the note Takota. Admirable. Hope to find a time to visit and talk during the summer. If you are in Edmonton and can stop by I would enjoy seeing you.
7/5/2019 11:18:15 am
7/5/2019 02:03:29 pm
Great article. You expressed my sentiments exactly. I like my food best when it’s from the farm/farmer I trust and I’d like to see freedom of personal intake become a right. Thanks for your efforts Takota.
7/5/2019 03:27:24 pm
Thank you so much Takota for all your hard work. I hope you will be a great inspiration to more young people such as yourself. We all need to change our ways and thinking about food or we may be doomed. 7/6/2019 07:58:45 am
Thanks Jeanette! I agree we need to change or we are in trouble.
Jordan Staudinger
7/6/2019 06:41:00 am
Hi Takota, 7/6/2019 07:56:51 am
Hi Jordan, 7/6/2019 09:42:37 am
Takota Coen
7/9/2019 08:21:39 am
Thanks Brad, I appreciate your support. 7/6/2019 02:09:04 pm
You are doing a fantastic job moving this education movement forward. We are the leaders of Education for everyone. Our passions for our products will shine as we move the power of knowledge to our communities. The power of many will overflow.
Takota Coen
7/7/2019 07:37:08 am
Thanks Amy :)
Cathy T
7/6/2019 07:39:08 pm
We farmed for many years, and ate only meat that we raised, used raw milk from our cows, made cheese and butter, had lots of company that ate what we ate, and never poisoned, diseased, or made anyone sick. See absolutely no reason not to be able to sell meat or milk from a well run farm. Our cows and goats were tested regularly for things like TB etc, they were well cared for and healthy. Probably way better meat and milk from them than from feed lot cattle that are full of antibiotics, pesticides, herbicides, and hormones, and live in their own filth every day!
Takota Coen
7/9/2019 08:42:44 am
Hi Cathy,
7/7/2019 04:35:47 pm
Thank you Takota for your insightful talk. I agree that education is the best way and I will continue to do my part. There is a momentum growing for change especially with all the dis-eases that drugs cannot help. Thank you for taking the time to help us all.
Takota Coen
7/9/2019 08:43:06 am
Thanks Audrey :) 1/14/2020 01:33:34 pm
We are all living a lie starting as children being lied to with the belief in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, then because of manipulation through propaganda, with our politicians as they go to college to learn to lie to us with a straight face pretending to be the nice guy/our friend. It doesn't mater who you vote for left wing or right wing their 2 wings on the same bird!!! Look up "Sour Milk" it's the same thing here in the USA with the way it is illegal to butcher meat you raised on your property for a customer. The practice of putting there hands out during the elections should be illegal. Because then our Presidents and leaders owe those corporations after that and the favors are killing us all!!! We need a revolution! Boston Tea Party! I have been looking into a lot of things over the years and in depth the last 6 months and by all rights I should be dead already because I question every day if life is even worth living any more.
Takota Coen
1/14/2020 03:19:22 pm
I agree that our political systems has become corrupted by big business interests and our votes count for nothing now. But I still have hope that if we the people withdraw our consent and dependency upon these current systems and build our own, they will dissolve of their own accord. Comments are closed.
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